
Results for: Marketing Strategy

The challnege here is that not too many people really understand branding, similar to the way people understand marketing. It does not have a consistent meaning. You will have to educate your csuite or key personnel on the value of developing their brand. Use examples of other companies in your ...


So the bar patrons drive the value, right? If your fellow students start using the app (and start asking the guy at the door, "Can I pay the cover with XX app?"), then the bar owners will be the easy part. Focus your efforts on driving adoption. If you've already got 2 bars on the hook, then prin...


Consider instead where a $2500 price point puts you. I use a selling technique called Monetizing The Problem, and in that process I get the prospect to calculate the size of their problem. Then I charge 5-10% of that figure. There's never any resistance, because they see where the number comes f...


I've watched different companies struggle with customer acquisition, and I myself struggled with it. I doesn't matter if its a physical product, a service or an app. Attention costs a lot of money, usually more than we can afford. Paid acquisition should never be your main driver of new users, ...


My preference every time is direct response marketing when selling B2B. Write things, with a compelling offer, send them to people. Start by building a database of SEO providers - they all have websites, and create a mailing list from this. Back up the direct mail campaign with awesome content ...


Someone else creates the design and physical products, correct? In that case, your main challenges are (A) identifying customers (B) convincing them to give you a chance (C) keeping them happy with good customer service When it comes to (A), you should probably be knocking on a lot of doors. ...


1. Explore competitor backlink and citation profiles. Looking at their backlink and citation data will help you identify relevant websites that may be useful for you to work with. In addition to this, you'll likely identify competitor marketing tactics that can help spark your own ideas. 2. Us...


From what I understand, you are trying to help an SEO agency sell to other agencies that themselves sell to dental/medical companies? It's tricky without knowing more details, since this question keeps coming to mind: Why is the SEO agency interested in white-labelling their services to agencies...


Social media channels like facebook are a great way for doctors to market digitally and cheaply. I recommend "humanizing" the doctors practice in a series of posts so clients and potential clients already feel like they know the staff and that they are just "going to some doctor" Consistant goo...


Here are some tricks that work for me: + Laser the audience so that they are the best fit for the offer. Using interests, age, location, etc. or you will just flush money down the toilet. + Make sure ad images & copy match the landing page style so it feels seamless as visitors click thru + Op...


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