
Results for: Marketing Strategy

First of all, it's a 'prospect meeting', not a 'client meeting', if you haven't closed them yet. Any system is better than no system. "Flying by the seat of the pants" is a recipe for disaster. Have a qualifying system. Do they need or want what you offer? Do they have a problem big enough to w...


It always starts with the list. You mention 'non opt-in' lists, which is certainly more troublesome than any domain name. Your best course of action is to get a new domain, re-confirm the lists you have (requiring the subscriber to click through in order to stay on), and only accept confirmed op...


Your best bet to get traction quickly in USA is to advertise on mobile ad networks. You may need to advertise on CPM/CPC basis instead of CPI if you have a paid app so make sure you understand your user lifetime value and watch conversion rates closely so you don't overspend. That said, dependin...


B2B or B2C, at the end of the day.... you're dealing with "P2P" People to People. If your message is relevant within the context, you will get a high rate of response. Based on our experience, we start by doing research into the demo and where they live. And create highly targeted video camp...


Hello, Quora has a relatively strong filter of what they consider to be 'spam', so it is imperative that each account you create and use look authentic and personable. There is an app called 'Rambox Pro' that allows you to manage multiple unique accounts from different proxy servers in one place,...


It helps a great deal. Data analysis in sales and marketing is an integral part of digital marketing success. However, I would not dismiss the "PEOPLE FACTOR." Nothing can replace the human interaction for sales and marketing.


There is always space for expansion, even in crowded markets like hosting services. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether you have a good product and whether your audience can see the value in it or not. If you are entering into crowded market, then, the first thing to do is do a th...


you are on the right track mate, i have been working with apps for over 4 years, and only recently been working with paid advertising - there is a lot you can do for free marketing - just google it, and keep trying and learning - this is great learning tool for understanding the entire App marke...


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