
Results for: Marketing Strategy

A better question to ask in my polite opinion is what offer you make that cannot be refused, to paraphrase Godfather, and to whom. You have to analyze your competition and your business deeply. Then define what is the intersection of a large market, great proposition, ability to service, and uniq...


There are so many answers to that question, but the critical thing is that you have to be tuned in to your organization's strategic goals. You have to know what the organization wants to accomplish -- and why --- before you can offer guidance on the best way to get there and how to measure your s...


Video is a great start to aligning all marketing efforts. Utilizing channel based marketing with proper video placement does two things for your brand: #1 it's evergreen content and lives on channels that matter (social, website, newsletters) #2 it's entertaining and provides value instantly. If ...


First thing I might comment on here is are you absolutely certain this is a new product? From what you describe its a new angle on an old idea. With that more in mind if you think people are unaware of your view point then education based marketing seem the most relevant starting point. You see...


How important is scaling? For example, if you're charging $400/hour for consulting and filling 20 hours a week, would you need to scale? Products are great, but there's a lot of unbillable hassle involved in the path toward getting there. Your product needs to have a big enough audience to giv...


Well, if you really want people to pay you for ad placements, I recommend adding some value to them first - retweet them, add insightful comments to their blogs, share their content, promote their stuff. This also gives you an opportunity to gauge how your audience reacts to it, which gives you c...


Answering this question efficiently requires being able to see how you are currently going about it, so that we can see what you may be doing wrong, and suggest corrections / additions. Feel free to send a link that we can check out. best, Lee


Hi, I think there is a 20/80 rule that applies here too where 20% share is of the quality and great content while the rest is in how well you promote it. We've been doing that too and saw good share on our personal blog at Omnicore. One more tip that I can give is to bring in experts as the Eg...


In our new book, Entrepreneur's Guide to The Lean Brand, Jeremiah Gardner and I tackle how relationships build passionate customers. In our view, products should fulfill a utility promise -- this functionality solves a that specific problem. But fulfilling the promise can only create 'satisfactio...


Very interesting concept. You need to understand the value proposition of your product to understand who is the stakeholder that you'll benefit the most. As I see it from your short description you will be obtaining lots of data from the end users (customers). This data is not really of interest ...


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