
Results for: Marketing Strategy

Hi, My name is Erik Hanley and I'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more that 15 years of experience. If you need help to set up a call center/PBX phone app, you need to evaluate your needs and budget and then look for the telecom providers. Using VOIP providers Vs traditi...


The 1st thing you should do it to identify 100 potential customers from your group to approach them and to offer them to use the platform to test it out. These people will not only give you feedback on how to improve it but also will give you testimonials for your website. The next thing to do...


Niche down to help a certain kind of client. Find out what serious problems you solve for them with your solutions. Don't talk about SEO or web design: you'll turn yourself into a commodity if you do. See this:


Established businesses and/or indirect competitors will most probably not bother getting into a partnership with you, at least until you start having some traction and results. Many startups have the ambition that they will build great partnerships starting from day one and they often get dissapo...


Is there any sort of auditing or quality control for subtitle files added to your database? If you are able to review, edit, and 'certify' some premium subtitle files that might be a reason to go premium. You could offer one free premium subtitle download pack for every free user. What do you h...


It can be hit or miss. I have found at times that it's more management than it's worth. Most of the time I have instead taken the same budget and hired a part time virtual assistant for the same tasks and gotten better results. Now, there's certainly something to be said for building your commun...


You can reach this audience by uploading the email list to various ad platforms, too. For example, you can create a lookalike audience on Facebook or Twitter by uploading your 200k list. Some percentage of those 200k will "match" a FB or Twitter user, and the platform(s) will look for users with...


If I'm reading this correctly, you're essentially asking if there is a market for marketing services. To which the answer is a resounding 'yes'. Effective marketing and sales is essentially giving people money. If you are wondering whether photography and facebook content is effective, there ar...


It would certainly be viable, particularly if you create events that appeal to particular groups of people. Be sure to appeal to both sides of each group: providers (businesses) and customers. For example, get a local restaurant to sponsor and provide samples of their food and do a presentation...


Whether you're seeking B2B or B2C LEAD GEN, you can lease these lists to pump up your email mailing list. You can also harvest email leads through speaking engagements where you can expound on your area of expertise or product value.


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