
Results for: Marketing Strategy

Tough to answer in full without knowing what your service is, but there are plenty of ways to get in front of college students. A few ideas: - Build a blog with useful/interesting content, share on social, build an audience - Incentivize current users to invite their friends through a referral p...


Find someone in that industry and give them a path to partnership. If you want DIY training for online marketing, you can try MarketMotive (nationwide business marketing) or CompeteLeap (local business marketing) or Lynda (random assortments of tech training). If you want to discuss your busine...


Great question! I love questions like this ones. First off forget about Silicon Valley. If you are not here with that sort of relationship you will spend a lot of resources before you make something sustainable here. Second, you mention you've had some success - ok, why aren't you simply making ...


First of all: good luck. Seeing how you have a limited budget, I would select the following 3 strategies: 1. Affiliate marketing: offer affiliates a fee for every referral that converts into an actual ‘sale’. This way, you aren’t really paying anything out of pocket, but rather the payment is co...


A couple of quick notes to add on top of some good answers: 1. Have you done any blogging / writing around the concept? If so make sure you have google analytics on your site and you have demographics functionality turned on. You will get some good high level demographic info on who is interes...


Hi This is a classic market place which requires marketing to both sides simultaneously. I would start by selecting the most popular categories/fields that the users (employers/companies) are looking for (based on Google Adwords Keyword Tool or maybe checking Fiverr - if their services are the s...


There are several models you can opt for. Freemium: With this model app publishers offer mobile users to download apps free of charge to use with a limited set of features and charge them via in-app purchases for premium features, additional content, or digital goods. In-App Purchases: One of th...


I think you're on the right track with the likes of eBay, Instagram, and Etsy. Those sites have established communities interested in what you have to offer. That said, each of those platforms have different optimization techniques to reach the right audience. For example, using proper hashtags ...


I've helped several businesses do this. 1) Differentiate yourself - make your portal highly compelling for small-to-medium businesses. 2) Give it for free to businesses that are recognizable and will allow you to feature a testimonial from them. This will build credibility. I like to go after...


I specialize in handling digital marketing with small businesses in Toronto. Most of the small business owners have a limited budget and they are overwhelmed by the fact as to how they can compete with the bigger players out there. The solution is to use a combination of inbound & paid marketing...


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