
Results for: Marketing

I think the question is which is more important to you, the platform or the individual fundraiser? The site will gain attention through each "poll," however, marketing the site alone may not ensure the success of the different polls. But if it were me doing it, I'd market both. The truth is they ...


I hate to say this.. But both! When getting the ball rolling on a start-up, you want to attack all possible marketing outlets. Now, if budget is the bottleneck then I would consider running some analysis on your target audience and see if your users for your service will most likely be using Goog...


You can't do that with bemob , you will have to use analytics or other 3rd party tools ..


The one thing SEO, social media, website development, email, etc. all have in common is they need people to make them great content. So, jobs involved with writing, graphic design, and content research/strategists are all in high demand and will be for the foreseeable future.


I guess it will really depend based on your target audience and how you can make yourself stand out. In all cases you can try with the following: 1. PR Focus on getting publicity from blogs and online media sites. This will help you a lot when it comes to user acquisition (your target is alread...


You need to adopt integrated approach to market planning, strategy design, and execution. And, that starts with how the business is positioned across internet. Website, Content, Social Media Presence, Media specific strategy et al forms some of the ingredients. People engagement follows planned m...


I echo the answers already given - but add that the skills in most short supply today are an understanding of data and analytics and how to tie these into the customer journey. Educate yourself using Avinask Kaushik's blog and newsletter. He wrote this blog post and it's invaluable as a starter...


Have you checked out They integrate with stripe. But I'd need know what kind of business you have. Ecommerce? SaaS? Marketplace? Majority charge a relatively high monthly fee so if you think you'd use it often might be worth just paying a dev a few hundred bucks to buil...


I am new to Clarity and wanted to ask a question and always curious what people recommend for a vitamin.


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