
Results for: Marketing

For home services, Fridge Magnets are hands down the best marketing tool. US average is every person in a household visits their fridge 13x times daily, so 13x * 365 days/year == 4745 impressions for <$5 one time fee to have magnet manufactured + mailed to homes. Talk with people familiar with ...


I found a couple of articles with some stats and BUT nothing specifically comparing landing page results with Linked In. FWIW my view on all social me...


My preference every time is direct response marketing when selling B2B. Write things, with a compelling offer, send them to people. Start by building a database of SEO providers - they all have websites, and create a mailing list from this. Back up the direct mail campaign with awesome content ...


You could look at views to each slideshare to determine which pieces of content are most popular/resonating best with your audience, but the key metric here is really the number of demo requests you generate from this channel. You can include a different tracking token in each slideshare link tha...


It's hard to give a really cut and dried answer without knowing all the details, but here are some tips based on my experience: First the bad news: from the way your question is worded, it sounds like you built the app without validating first. What I mean by that is that you didn't go out to th...


Social media is probably the best channel available, with reasonable returns. However, "free" may be a false economy, as it takes a lot of time/effort to do it effectively. Pick 1 or 2 relevant social media platforms (Twitter & Facebook?) and put your effort there. A lot depends on who your targ...


You would promote this like any other way, through such as your personal social networks online, build a reputable LinkedIn network, attend and present chamber of commerce meetings, rotary clubs, etc. if be interested in something like this. I actually think I had one before but might have gotten...


The unwillingness or inability to share the problems they face and how (or if) they overcame them. When companies do this well, they can take these lessons and start storytelling through their marketing. They make themselves more human. More approachable. Not only can this have a positive impac...


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