
Results for: Marketing

Print advertising is expensive and phonebook usage has certainly declined. The marketplace can also be pretty fragmented with so many different publications. It would depend upon your market such as if you have a lot of retirees/seniors in your area that may still utilize a book? And have you ...


The suggestion by James is great. Here is another good option that you can look into: Great foundation for the basics of marketing.


In italy you have a saying along the lines of: "Doctors usually suffer from what they cure"... meaning they're too busy being good and helping others do that one thing that they don't do it for themselves. I see the same for myself: I have 50+ apps in the App Store but unfortunately none of them ...


Let me start by giving you some real data for our agency. When we started blogging we had about 1,000 visitors a month to our website. Today we have 13,000 a month. We currently have almost 700 subscribers to our blog and we blog almost every single day. The result is almost 250 new leads a month...


It can be pretty common. It's different for different networks, some will over-report and some under-report. Google for example generally under-reports conversions, so we adjust for that on our end. Social buys generally over-report due to bots etc. It's definitely annoying but once you get your ...


By ON DEMAND, I am going to assume you mean within a few hours. In which case, in my experience the only two things that really stand out: 1. Financial forecast reports 2. Cost estimates


It's always better to be great at 1 thing, then average at everything. You can still offer multiple services, but you REALLY want to push 1 as what you are best at. There are a couple factors that go into which one specifically you should choose. Message me if you want to go into more detail.


a) are you good at selling? b) can you afford to hire someone? c) do you have time to sell? Until you can afford to and literally don't have the time too, my gut says do it solo.


I would put content out for free on YouTube, share via social media channels. In your Youtube channel, promote people to visit your website. On the website, collect email addresses to begin building an audience. Use the email address to send behind the scenes exclusive content and in each email ...


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