
Results for: Marketing

I've set up a number of online courses, and also supported other business owners in their online course creation and hosting. This is a huge topic with a number of variables. You may decide to host your course on your own Wordpress platform, in which case you'll need: - a website (if you don't a...


In general the highest converting direct messaging campaigns I have seen have very direct and simple messages. If you can achieve that with your target audience then you will see a good conversation rate. If you have the right message and already have the contacts, then go for it!


Yes! In fact, when working with my startup clients, I regard the blog as the backbone of an inbound marketing strategy and a must-have for businesses looking to accelerate growth. Here's what having a blog can do for you: - Attract the right kind of prospective clients through targeted posts that...


For pure B2B, nothing beats the free and fee offerings at


To start out the definition of "marketing" has been totally been siewed for the last 10 years. Most young people today think it means advertising online, SEO, and the remainder think it means graphic design and flyers. Just like marketing could mean a lot of things digital marketing can also mea...


Hi, Andy Jacob here....I haven't heard you mention that people want the product? I would make sure people actually will replace what they are currently using first..


Can you segment by the demographic markers for the prediabetic users and then co-relate to similar groups in the prediabetes iPhone population?


Sounds delicious. I LOVE ice coffee. My advice is to definitely generate buzz on social media as well as a series of YouTube videos of every day people using the unit and enjoying the iced coffee. Some ideas: 1. Join a coffee lovers group on Facebook and LinkedIn. More importantly, an iced coff...


As far as targeting a single high school, I don't know. But, in terms of platforms this audience uses, Tumbler, Instagram, Snap Chat & Vine would be good targets.


Lots of ways to do this, including many that I'm sure I don't know about. One place to start would be to research local search volume for "Sushi", "Sushi restaurant(s)", and related phrases -- both in Canada and within comparable regions outside of Canada (especially the USA). You'd want to pay...


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