
Results for: Entrepreneurship

There are various methods of idea validation. I am listing the ways that are suitable in your case: 1. Run a Survey: You can ask the customers of the electricity company to fill up the survey form with questions like - whether they will use your service or not? How may they are willing to pay to...


A few thoughts. 1) Get a diverse group (geo + backgrounds) to use it. 2) Invite people to use your product in person (on their laptops), 3) Measure the impact using – iterate and fix all the user flows.


Mine. :-) Seriously: The two mistakes I see with people and blogs is (a) spending too much time reading instead of doing, and (b) reading blogs which don't align with their own business, and therefore the advice therein isn't necessarily good FOR THEM (even if awesome for others!), and theref...


This is not my specialty, however, I have been in your position many many times -- maybe this will help. If the product is in-tangible, then look for JV partners on the Internet. Try to find an expert that deals with these JV opportunities (like me). If the product is physical, then look for s...


I've been an entrepreneur for a long time (since 1990) and this subject is there in the highs, the lows ... there are so many times that I've felt this. I can really say I've had two lives, however, the first was when I was alone (Lone Ranger style). Even though I had business partners I had so...


Funding a business through another business has legal implications. You need to take care of few things here 1. Ensure the micro school is listed as a subsidiary 2. The funding business is the corporate parent and conglomerate which has rights to distribute funds between its subsidiaries. If n...


There is always space for expansion, even in crowded markets like hosting services. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether you have a good product and whether your audience can see the value in it or not. If you are entering into crowded market, then, the first thing to do is do a th...


The idea is a very small fraction of what it takes to earn the first million. Certainly billion. What actually matters is your ability to *execute*. Entrepreneurship means "having the talent of translating opportunities into money". Or, as Alexis Ohanian of Reddit said, "entrepreneur is just F...


Have you thought about social media (i.e. twitter?) I rely upon twitter for feedback on a regular basis. Another option is to create a targeted list of the 500 people/organizations you specifically want feedback from and send out via email, though as we all know the response rate on something lik...


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