
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Keep your head down and work on your own project. Stop being a spectator to what other people are up to. Ignore all the noise. Start unsubscribing from mailing lists. Delete your memberships at social media platforms, or at least stop logging in. Stop paying attention to Twitter feeds. Trea...


Hi, so I've been part of multiple startups, successful and "failed". The pattern with most is that the originators of an idea tend to be the ones wanting to be the CEO... If the originator is a team, together you guys need to honestly answer each other questions such as: 1) who handles pressure...


You may regard this as general advice yet is is not as trite as you may think. The reason is that your question is very general and can be easily be answered by 'that depends' and 'how long is a piece of string'. To answer the vital questions that lead you down a journey of what you should do, ...


Are we doing homework for you? I suspect the "best" business model at the moment is the one where the users create or provide the content, and the company is an organizer and platform. We've all seen this quote recently: "Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. "Facebook, ...


I am a psychiatrist in private practice and I feel like I have come across almost the entire range of different individuals. Each of them with their various talents, interests and careers. Some have been successful others not. Some loved what they did for a living others despised it. It was not o...


There are several models you can opt for. Freemium: With this model app publishers offer mobile users to download apps free of charge to use with a limited set of features and charge them via in-app purchases for premium features, additional content, or digital goods. In-App Purchases: One of th...


Throttle the time in your business and be brutal about saying "No." Be ultra-clear on expectations with every single client. "This is how I work. At X'oclock, I am offline and no longer available. I check emails and messages at these times only: X,Y, and Z o'clock." If that doesn't work for the...


Finding focus is a constant struggle, especially when you're in a position that requires you to respond to other people (clients, contractors, employees). Between the outside forces that tug at our attention and the internal tendencies to procrastinate and spiral off-topic, it's very easy to feel...


It's dependent on the app's purpose. If it's social and you need to be on both platforms, I strongly encourage hybrid. A webapp is cheaper and can perform the same as an app with a dedicated backend. If you are more of a service app, an iOS version may be a slightly higher price than the webapp, ...


Hello Ty, thank you for sharing this with us. I understand how vulnerable you might feel right now. My name is Humberto Valle, I have been helping entrepreneurs for over 8 years now, coaching strategic marketing and contracting for many companies at various phases in various industries across mul...


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