
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Best place to start is your WHY. Your why represents your purpose and what makes you get out of bed in the morning. It gives you endurance during the difficult times because you have a higher motivation that's not linked to a paycheck. Yes earning money is great but your why is more important tha...


Mistakes are good for those who learn from them but there is no logical explanation why you would choose to go through a long expensive and time consuming learning path filled with mistakes and 'lessons' when you can just learn as you go from an experienced individual who can help you reduce that...


I would say, what you are hearing is correct - I would take all 4 of those as MAIN factors. Maybe add another two - Verticals that you are an expert in. - Verticals where you will have enough $$ to break into / develop / support for some time, until you start making profits. Most startups op...


Hi There, Your question is related to a very popular topic which is email list building. This is an area where maximum marketers strugle at the start. It is because building a big and responsive email list is not straight forward. Customers are getting skeptic every day. They take maximum 5 s...


Hi Michael, Yes: there is a way to do this. That is the brunt of what I train business owners and professionals to do: the key is in brain science. There are a couple of points and then the basic practices: a. The brain can only handle about four items per day of high priority b. These items ...


As the owner of a web development firm, I am always inventing our own digital products and services. Any service that is web-based and accessible to mobile devices work as long as they solve a business need. The digital products I wish would exist are: 1. Home building services including videos ...


I love this question. If you have to work on the side while building your business, I recommend doing something you absolutely hate. That keeps you hungry to succeed on your own. You'll also typically save your energy for the evenings and weekends where you'll want it for your business. Don't exp...


If this is your first venture, I would definitely say just pick 1. Getting even one idea off the ground will take everything you have! IF you can pull of one first, you will be able to do more down the road for sure. In the last 45 day, I've gone from $0-$12k revenue (most of it recurring monthl...


I'd suggest forgetting about trends, and instead focusing on finding problems that lots of people will pay you to solve for them. Here are some ways to get started: (a) Have a clear idea of the few areas where you may have a view of what lies just beyond the edge (technology evolution, market ...


Think big. Start small. You should always think of the bigger picture (i.e. Facebook for everyone in the world), because you want to make sure that you enable yourself to grow towards that point. Using Steve Jobs' analogy, it's about anticipating where the dots will be. Or as Wayne Gretzky puts ...


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