
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Great question! I am an attorney, and have experience from both a legal perspective and a business perspective. I hope my thoughts on the matter are helpful. In a situation where the integrity of your business is called into question, and the trust of your customers has been shaken, you need to...


Hello, If you have time, I suggest that you learn coding yourself. That saves you money but takes a great amount of time to do. And if your interested, I'm a coder myself. You can give me a call and we'll discuss the details of your idea.


Yes, I did exactly that a few years back. A friend of mien and I launched a site with minimal functionality that was really just a landing page. We offered the opportunity to pre-buy a year's subscription to the service by allowing users to set their own pricing. Within the first 24 hours of t...


There are tons of Free QR code creators (or low cost). You could create a coupon, assign unique QR codes for each affiliate (place them on cars), and scan them in store to give proper credit to the affiliates. The only problem I see with this is: human nature. We forget things, lose things, and...


I am a corporate lawyer and business adviser for over 7 years. I worked mainly in Israel, "the startup nation" and at least twice a year an entrepreneur comes over with a similar question. Don't know how to say it better but straight forward - no one EVER starts as a billion dollar company. Did y...


Interesting. First step is to validate your idea with the market: Set a minimum success criteria for how many customers you want to have on Day 1 to prove that the business is validated with the market. For example, set a goal to get 5 people to pre-pay for jet ski rentals and go to talk to peopl...


Go with the company you're most passionate about and you'll make a living or more. I wouldn't do B just because you think there's some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Your health and sanity isn't worth that trek, especially if you having some else you love.


Have been thinking about this for a while.. The answer that follows is based on insights I got from a panel in SF and from discussions with my co-founder Rob Attwell. So why is Silicon Valley/SF the birthplace of most great tech companies? It's about the unique concentration of 5 Cs: 1. Coders (...


1. Differentiate Between Days to Produce and Days to Create I pre-schedule which days (and time blocks in those days) will be for money making activities (literally those activities that are directly linked to income generation such as being on stage and speaking, in a room with my clients, closi...


I think they're great if you're using them for specific purposes. I find working at home almost too easy and it takes a long time for me to really get into "work mode" vs having a space somewhere I start switching gears on the way there and then feel more productive right from jump.' Benefits: M...


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