
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Yes, you can. However, the success is highly depended on the information architecture. You need to plan in creating and arranging the categories & subcategories in such a way that it gives the best user experience. You can also cloud powered instant search tools like Algolia to make the product f...


Checked your website; very very cool. I used to have an advertising agency, responsible for sales & client strategy. I'll cannibalize an answer I gave on Quora for this one: About getting clients, do: - charity work - hackathons and Startupweekends and such - design competitions - direct work...


You can try to sell to companies in the space, or angel investors looking to add an asset to an existing startup. If you have data that shows your platform works then it will go well. If not it's still possible, just a bit harder... let me know if you want to chat in more detail about it


First to your question. No, unless there is a law in place, nothing is mandatory. That said, not liking your industry will make it more difficult to succeed. Those who love what they do will work harder and longer to achieve success. But success means different things to different people. Do yo...


To start with, create a "No-To-List" of non-action items. It will help you keep your focus intact on the actual and planned goals. It will also help the team's focus to move in unison. Talking about "To-Do" list of laundry items, start with assessing your internal capability, external requiremen...


Your on a good track. One Thing I would highly suggest is setting up some organized goals not your business plan but something for you and who ever you are working with. I would be happy to talk to you and help you get things started so you get out to the colleges on an organized and efficient path.


Being an entrepreneur requires a lot of different personality traits. You mentioned having lots of ideas and being creative, which is what most people associate with being an entrepreneur. What I've found is that being creative and having great ideas may be well suited if you want to be an invent...


Hi, I reviewed a lot of ideas trying to join Wayra, the Telefonica backed accelerator. Everyone thinks his/her idea is great, but only a few are really disruptive and have potential enough to be pushed by the market. Better than starting to build it, try to surf the Internet and look for similar ...


Most podcasts like you're describing start by using the audiences of their guests. This makes it tricky, because you're effectively asking someone to come on your show to leverage their audience for your growth. That's still a value proposition for the guest, however, because it's back links, e...


Hello!! That's a very good question you asked. Having been a entrepreneur for more than 7 years now, I understand how entrepreneurs are often serial thinkers and the rate of idea generation is definitely greater than that of execution. Focussing your thoughts and actions on more than one busine...


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