
Results for: Entrepreneurship

I will give you two stories (both mine). It was 1999 and I was 15 years old. My mom's friend ask me to deliver some christmas cards. The reason was that there was a monopoly of mail delivery in my country and it was so expensive that it was worth it to pay a young kid to do it. I did it for her ...


The key is to keep it simple at first and focus on rewarding the right behaviour. You can start by setting a gross revenue goal for the quarter, share with the team, and tell them if we hit that, that everyone will get a bonus. So in some sense, it's not about profit sharing at first. The reas...


Salary surveys, talking to other people in similar positions are reasonable starting points. In my opinion, getting a competitive offer now and again (by interviewing elsewhere) is the easiest way to make sure that you're being adequately compensated.


It doesn't look like any of the answers given have actually answered the question you posed -- so I'll do my best: The best place to look is within your OWN personal networks. At the end of the day, a co-founder is very similar to having a husband or wife. Your life will be tied to this perso...


Absolutely, I've got you covered! With over a decade of experience in the startup ecosystem, here are some real-world strategies that have proven effective in attracting and retaining pre-seed SaaS startups with $40k+ revenue: 1. Get Personal: Think of your outreach like making friends. It's all...


Debt is nothing more than a math problem. You modify the equation (income/expenses). You modify the outcome. Simple as that. Over 20 years in the debt relief space has shown me its nothing more than a physiological problem, once you get your mindset in check, the math problem takes care of it...


More of a political answer than anything to be honest. Laws are created by politicians, politicians make their decisions based on lobbyists & public opinion. Lobbyists and public opinion can both be bought. One person only has one vote, a company can persuade millions of votes. Imagine what wou...


I have worked in brand development for over a decade. Have you ever thought about doing a high end concierge service? People answer questions and send pictures to have high end goods and gifts selected for them. Give me a call! I would love to brainstorm!


None. There are two basic reasons to get business insurance. First, if you're making enough money that you're worth suing. That does not apply in this case. Second, if your clients require you to have insurance before accepting you as a vendor for certain services. Most large companies will r...


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