
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Hello, I will provide you feedback but know that is generally frowned upon to use this platform where people come with real frustrations and hurdles and use it for advertisement. You website has a lot of flaw, granted is a landing page, and it could be greatly improved. Quora is great not only b...


Essentially you want to create a tech blog with more embedded purchasing options. Tech blogs work, so if done right there's no reason this idea would not work.


I worked as a career specialist in a Technical school for nine years. In most colleges and universities, career services directors do not make product decisions. The administrative wing, president, provost, and director of student services hold the budget. Navigating product sales to schools al...


As Dan Kennedy says, "Explorers tend to return full of arrows." In other words, good chance of failure trying anything new. Do something old, with a new spin. Tip: Read through Kennedy's books (I could 60+ on my bookshelf) about how to do... business spins... slapping a new face on an old indu...


Hi! My clients have successfully hired VA's through Linkedin by submitting a 3 steps hiring process with a pre-qualification and assessment build in. Also, when people continue to leave your company, I usually look into how clear is the direction of the company, is there a concise mission and v...


I am not an attorney nor an accountant, and this is not "professional advice". Let me begin by saying that I agree completely with Mr. McGuire's response. At his very affordable rate, you should have that call with him. $200 is nothing, absolutely nothing, as a tax-deductible expense to protect y...


Unfortunately implicit bias is a reality which exists with regards to race, and lots of other things including height, voice, weight, sex, etc. While society is slowly learning and trying to suppress those biases, they will always exist to some extent, because they're derived from some of the fun...


Rarely will you ever "live well" working a job. Trick to living well without a job is to treat your work like farming. With farming you prep your dirt, plant, tend, after sometimes a long while, your harvest is ready. How this translates generally, "provide massive value, in your niche, every ...


I've started several online companies where we have been first to market, but there have been marginally similar services out there.... A good investor will probably want to know there is someone else in the space, as if no-one else has thought of the idea, it *might* not be a good idea. Use th...


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