
Results for: Entrepreneurship

The common theme is to create something truly engaging for your market, at the right time: Instagram was released at the perfect time when many people had iPhones with a decent camera but limited ways of sharing those photos while on the go. SnapChat tapped into a similar (though younger) demog...


Thank you for your question. It comes at a perfect time because I have just started mentoring a young woman from Nepal via the WeduFund nonprofit because I believe that the world needs more female leaders: in my opinion the world will be a much better place when we have a 50-50 presence of female...


TL;DR; Yes it's bad, without understanding context. Doing this, or any other organization rule needs to be considered based on the culture of the company and the goals. It's dangerous to take this one action out of context as to Buffer's purpose in building their organization. Is it good? For ...


Work. That would have been my 1-word answer, but the site tells me it's too short. Yes, you could invest your money in the hopes of getting a higher return; and it might work. But any investment entails the risk of loss. And that risk is highest early on when a person is less experienced and...


As a fellow workaholic, I can't possibly advise you. But there's an excellent podcast series by an acquaintance / former client of mine called Dadverb that's all about balancing work life with fatherhood. He interviews successful entrepreneurs about how they find the right work-life balance. Y...


You're dealing with the "fast follower" concept, here. To me the biggest issue is planning ahead since you know this is going to happen. If you are entering the market without a defensible position then it's going to be easier for someone to clone you and try to hack their way to faster growth. I...


You could: 1. make a connection between per project and equity allocation - so each time they complete a project, they get a small % of equity. Research has shown that people prefer small payouts than one big payout at the end (ppl can't postpone their desires...). 2. Keep them involved in the d...


Great idea I could help you launch the app and make it succeed in the market, There are many similar projects in my country but very fast cloase or fail , not so popular maybe I could give you a couple of good suggestions for work because I have experience how they should not work. I would love ...


Hi dear, Getting 1000 subscriber is really hard now. But when your videos get daily 1,000 views. The money making on YouTube become really easy. Look How? 1.Apply for sponsership site like Famebit, etc 2.Join ClickBank select one product promote it in your videos. 3.Try to join affiliate networ...


Recent Udemy changes... well over last 18 months now, have rendered Udemy less than the best for marketing. If you layout your entire monetization strategy, likely there are far more lucrative + useful ways of marketing than Udemy. Be sure to mention if you're using your using your course as a ...


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