
Results for: Entrepreneurship

Ries owns 'Lean Startup' trademark. I doubt 'lean' by itself is trademark-able, and isn't claimed by Eric. Someone else may claim 'lean career development,' so might be worth a trademark search.


Probably not but not because it's impossible to raise on a deck. Raising based purely on a deck almost only happens by seed funds backing an established team. In this case, the raise is much larger (usually between 1 to 2 million). Without a technical founder, and without you both having a tra...


You ask the customers, and gauge their level of interest. Better yet, get yourself in front of some customers, and instead of telling them what you make or do, ask them what they need. When you notice that many of them need the same thing, and if it is something you can make or provide, you then ...


It's the chicken or the egg question and in all truth you need both to grow each other. You need to figure out about the minimum level of businesses you need to keep customers coming back and back. Second, you need to offer those business a free trial period, say 3-6 months, so that you have the ...


It really depends on your initial cash position. In my experience the most direct path to positive chase flow is a service business. If a service business is not for you I would look into a distribution company. If you are creative there are ways to set up a distribution model that utilizes a ...


Maybe you can start by making the SEO better, tips here Traffic mostly depends on who your users/visitors are and to what community are you serving. Try to figure out that before trying any marketing campaign.


Here is my list of seven recommended books: (1) The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company - Steve Blank and Bob Dorf (2) Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup by Bill Aulet (3) The Founder's Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding t...


It all depends on what one decides to be a definition of a "success story." For some entrepreneurs, it might be getting acqui-hired, for some -- a $10M exit, for some -- a $200M exit, and for others -- an IPO. Based on the numbers I have anecdotally heard in conversations over the last decade o...


They met a need for lots of people. Their values lead to long term success, but their short term growth was due to meeting a need in the marketplace and doing really well.


Why do you ask? Are you trying to understand if you need/should seek startup capital for your venture? Or are you trying to understand how companies are leveraging the cloud to dramatically reduce startup costs? If it's the second, you're right re the capital requirements are lower. It's easi...


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