
Results for: Digital Marketing

If your objective is to get a product funded, then getting on the news isn't necessarily the best route as this is a very broad approach vs targeted. Am assuming that whoever will invest in your product, will need to have a bit of understanding about what it offers photographers? From an editoria...


Targeting companies with $1million+ in revenue is not ideal. For a premium content service, you'll probably need to look for companies with at least $4-5 million and a dedicated content marketing manager. Search for content marketing managers in your niche on LinkedIn. Keep in mind you'll be c...


I would absolutely suggest a content-focused marketing strategy. development of white papers, blogs and other SEO-rich materials which are actively managed and cultivated will pay dividends over the long haul along with any offline or other activities you want to consider. A lot of people hesit...


That's definitely a tricky audience to get in front of online, since those generations aren't on social media nearly as much. Here are a few recommendations: 1) Target a younger audience (and/or baby boomers, who have a stronger online presence than seniors). Figure out how to market your servic...


I started on Clarity just by answering questions last summer. I used to love Quora but really disagreed with a number of changes they made and so when Clarity launched answers, I started answering questions. I'm incredibly busy but let's face it: we all have extra time. We spend it looking at ...


With an upfront of $10-15k you are in the 'sales range'. Companies won't part with that money without a few conference calls and whether it's you or a team someone needs to hold their hand to get that sale. CAC is a lot easier to gauge on consumer products because they can be sold on an advertis...


Require payment up front, either in full or as a deposit. During your onboarding process, make it clear that your policy is to pause future work if the client becomes past-due. And then follow that policy if it becomes a problem—be polite but firm. Concerned you don't have the reputation or trac...


Hi there. Have managed thousands of attorney online programs, I'll see if I can provide any suggestions. However, it usually depends on what type of practice you have. Commercial litigation might have a much different strategy than personal injury, for example. Let us know and I'll come back ...


Hi, Great question and one many people struggle with and part of the reason people get frustrated or afraid to invest in online marketing. They have a great product or service but (a) don't know how to find their exact target audience who has money and (b) how to monetize it or generate leads t...


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