
Results for: Digital Marketing

I've set up a number of online courses, and also supported other business owners in their online course creation and hosting. This is a huge topic with a number of variables. You may decide to host your course on your own Wordpress platform, in which case you'll need: - a website (if you don't a...


Yes! In fact, when working with my startup clients, I regard the blog as the backbone of an inbound marketing strategy and a must-have for businesses looking to accelerate growth. Here's what having a blog can do for you: - Attract the right kind of prospective clients through targeted posts that...


To start out the definition of "marketing" has been totally been siewed for the last 10 years. Most young people today think it means advertising online, SEO, and the remainder think it means graphic design and flyers. Just like marketing could mean a lot of things digital marketing can also mea...


Interesting, but very loaded, question. It depends on the industry segments, location of your business and the reach you want to have, as well as your budget. I have organized trade shows all over the world and in over 65 industries. So look at industry, location, country/city, attendee profile...


A few ideas: - Copywriting for their blog - Email marketing - PPC Ad creative - Basic accounting / invoicing - PowerPoint / Keynote creation - Social media scheduling - Email / social media customer service - Outreach - Guest blogging / writing - LinkedIn networking Using your chef example, thi...


Well, when you have viral marketing, then it helps to spread the word about your business like wildfire on it's own. It's a self-perpetuating loop. So rather than you paying for advertisements, people will share your content or tool or something else because it's so cool or does something valua...


You absolutely do not need to work at an agency before starting one of your own! I have never worked in the industry at all before and just started offering digital marketing to companies a few months ago and already have 9 clients - literally starting from nothing. You don't even need to know ...


This is a very wide area to discuss and there is no magic bullet. You need to tailor it to the specific market/client.


Hey, I am CEO @ Incredo ( and we do app marketing for start-ups Assuming you have already on Google Play or Appstore you may consider submitting your app to other marketplaces as well. There are various other app stores on the online market where you can upload your app. Acco...


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