
Results for: Digital Marketing

Niche down to help a certain kind of client. Find out what serious problems you solve for them with your solutions. Don't talk about SEO or web design: you'll turn yourself into a commodity if you do. See this:


Very few brands will openly discuss how much they spend in advertising. This is a highly-sensitive data and a competitive advantage. You can use industry averages for cost of acquisitions, however. If you use $1 per click and/or $15 per client acquisition, for example, you can do simple math to ...


There are a few things you can do to grow your email list, and then use that list to grow your fanbase in general. First, it is important to research what works best for you. Different musicians have different fanbases, so the approach you take will depend on your music and what type of fan you ...


You can use affiliate marketing for this. has lots of spirituality related products that will be great for advertising on this kind of niche. Generate link for those products from ClickBank, add banners or in-text links for these product and bring a lot of traffic. You can earn abou...


I spent 10 years building a digital agency so I've got some experience with client acquisition. The short answer is - client work leads to more work. One way to start the pipeline going is to pick up small jobs from any number of project sites and to build from there. Chances are if I have a sm...


If it's email, my experience has been keep the touches valuable and consumable. By that I mean, don't send them a 2 page email with all kinds of content about how awesome your company is and why they should use your product. Take the education marketing approach. Send them little nuggets of usefu...


Whenever you say cost-effective you must understand what are the costs that you are incurring. There are primarily the following types of cost a company incurs. First one that comes to our mind is variable cost. Variable costs will vary in direct proportion to changes in the level of an activity....


Your lead magnet should come directly from your offering. Your full offering should contain a lot of “wins” for your customers throughout the lifetime of your relationship with them. Your lead magnet should be 1 of those wins. This demonstrates that the full offering is worth it because your cust...


Generally, if you're not adding obvious value with: -better processes. -better accountability -better results... Well, then you DESERVE to have your clients poached by a highly committed, high-value provider. So, it's not "just selling" it's delivering the full package. Value. Results. Care. ...


Make certain songs or part of songs, interviews, etc available until you get X amount of thumbs up on Youtube or Likes on Facebook. Gate it so they have to bring a crowd to open up the doors to new content.


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