
Results for: Digital Marketing

I own a digital marketing agency and I LOVE helping people with technology solutions! There are soooo many different inexpensive/free tools and technology solutions out there that can really benefit your business! Some of the ones we use are Facebook's Power Editor,, an...


I would start with small-ish, local shops, like flower shops, beauty salons, bakeries, used car places, etc. Places that are probably run by an older individual that doesn't currently do Facebook advertising. Don't ask them for an 'internship', because that implies something formal that would inv...


Mark O'Brien wrote a great easy read on this exact topic, it's called "A Website that Works" - This is the philosophy that Newfangled is built upon, so let me know if you're ever interested in partnering with us for consulting or development. Good ...


Look--there's risk EVERYWHERE. You've already pointed out the hazards of developing a marketing strategy dependent on a single platform. You've also noticed that you need to set your price to buffer against rising short and medium term costs. Startups should test and scale with whatever promot...


I believe that you can better learn from a real world example, this link will help you in that and you will surely gain valuable insights: Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://c...


Consider doing an invention evaluation study. This can help you gauge overall consumer interest in your hardware, if indeed it's consumer facing. If it's not, then a full market study might be the way to go. However these studies are significantly more expensive. I'm happy to talk with you ab...


The easiest thing to ask identify an expert is what campaigns have they ran and what are some specific successes they've found....if they can answer this with exact keyword mentions...then they know their stuff.


I would be able to advise you better if I saw your website or knew what your niche was but there are two broad principles you should follow: 1) Optimize what you are already doing You are already getting leads. So, it's not a traffic problem as much as it is a conversion problem. Keeping this ...


I struggled when i first made my account but found out if i used a hashtag that i created or tagged a brand/logo or the area in the photo that would draw more people into wanting to follow my account try not to put to much hashtags though because then it looks like your trying to hard, pre-mote ...


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