
Results for: Coaching

I have the same passion as you and the first time i heard about clarity i asked the same question, because i wanted a way to impact other people's lives. I think clarity is good, and i think it can provide a lot of value to people, and you can actually build a business here because the market is ...


A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. But, you're trying to hold the entire bush, keeping birds inside. You want a job, want to work inside the incubator, but don't want to work for startup. I'd advise you to listen to the CEO and try to understand his perspective and preference. But, don't ...


The easy answer is Yes! You must review results on a consistent basis to hold yourself accountable but to also analyze what went well and what did not go well. Too many times business owners fail to make adjustments based on the feedback they are receiving. Having a mentor or peer you can disc...


Place your program on JVZoo or another affiliate marketing platform and pay an affiliate fee to the marketers for promoting your program. Give away a lot of free but valuable content to your online sphere of influence through twitter, linkedin, G+, FB, etc. If you would like to schedule a free ...


1. Create niche in a specific area. 2. Show and create your presence online. 3. Answer questions on platforms like Clarity. 4. Provide quality answers and valuable help to startups. 5. Post helpful posts and materials on Facebook, Linkedin and relevant forums. Good luck I've successfully hel...


I'll urge you to reconsider. Speaking slowly and clearly in a presentation goes a long way in retaining attention and interest from your audience. I'll quote Paul Graham of Y-Combinator here "Err on the side of speaking slowly. At Rehearsal Day, one of the founders mentioned a rule actors use:...


It is completely normal to feel stuck in a situation where our intentions had been to help others but we get ourselves in trouble. This kind of experience makes us human and prevent us from future events that might be more damaging to us by teaching us some lesson. However, when you love someone...


Exciting times. When I read between the lines having faced a similar decision on more than one occasion, I see all the missed opportunities from having been too busy personally to be as effective as needed. The good news, there is but one weakest link in any system and that includes your business...


Great question - so, there are a myriad of ways you can look to monetize apps, but there are really three directly available ways, and a few indirect. Direct revenue generation for your app could include paid (i.e. download cost), in-app purchases (which can include a recurring subscription) a...


The Pomodoro method has changed my life! Whenever I'm writing or working out a creative problem, it really helps me focus on just one thing at a time. It's a simple timer that breaks down your day into 25-minute chunks (with 5-minute breaks). I use the Tomato One app on Mac OS, but there are coun...


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