
Results for: Coaching

I would focus on the problem you solve more than the "business model" per se. Unless you're talking specifically about how to make money. The problem with most startups is that they don't solve an actual specific problem. It's a mobile app for example that does something, but doesn't really ...


Be honest with her. Tell her your concerns now, and ask that she give you the same courtesy. The unique skills that you each bring to the table and the passion you both have is what can make the business successful - but only if you can communicate. If you aren't willing to commit 100% right n...


I have created my share of pricing for outsourced activity. Knowing what my competition is charging both on the high end and low end helped me understand the landscape but I created my pricing based on my own value proposition for each specific partner. First I needed to understand where they w...


Sometimes when we feel we know all there is to know, or that the relationship has developed to where it can develop, the sense of needing to push forward or the motivation to continue investing becomes much less. This can attribute to the loss in desire. Also at times we as partners may feel we'v...


First off, I'm sorry to hear of your struggles. Secondly, I commend your diligence. As for which course of action to take... There is no silver bullet and while it may seem frustrating you may very well be right on the heels of success. You never know when it will take place in your life, but i...


As a certified career coach/ professional resume writer and a former Recruiter, I am often asked this question “ I have a great resume, I believe that I’m qualified and a good fit for all these open positions” despite the fact, I have submitted hundreds of applications, I’m not generating any in...


Hi, this is Ann, a business coach for small entrepreneurs. Your situation is no longer related to "small business". Instead, you are in the phase of "extension". Hence, I would recommend you contact some outstanding performance coaches. Again, OUTSTANDING performance coaches! If you expect to be...


Hello, I like how you have identified your passion and understand who you want your target audience to be. I have sold technology solutions for 6+ years to entrepreneurs and business owners- a big part of the selling process requires value-adding, which can only be achieved by understanding the ...


Whenever you write on Clarity keep in mind that they are not just reading but speaking your words loud and clear inside their head. Communication has three key aspects. Tone of the voice, Body Language and Words, on Clarity two are absent and one is present. Words play a vital role in virtual com...


Hi! Ask yourself this, what is most important now and how would that look like in a year? Describe it to yourself and you may find an answer in that. It's never too late to do anything especially something that gives you benefits you deserve and what, however always measure it to what you most va...


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