
Results for: Coaching

Any Scrum Master or Team Member is keenly aware that they are expected to deliver software each and every iteration that provides value. Reporting, measurements, and metrics are vital part of that effort, which going forward I will just lump together in only one term called “reporting”. Some of u...


A mentor should consist of 3 things 1. Have a track record, be knowledgeable and connected in your the area of your startup (e.g. real-estate, fashion or semi-conductors, building a startup, writing a book) 2. Share your vision 3. You should think he's cool and he should think you're cool If yo...


Assuming you are qualified to create this kind of offering, I think you can safely determine that there is need for this service. I know many doctors who struggle with the business of their practice and could benefit from coaching. That being said, if you believe this is an area you want to devo...


From an HR professional perspective I’d want you to have several examples to help me see how you dealt with change, financial constraint, department conflict. You know those behavioural questions everyone hates? Here is how to prepare. Recall several complex situations that may cover several que...


Hi, I too have a had a rocky relationship with my parents throughout the years. Simplest advice I can give is work on yourself and how you choose to respond to things. You can’t change anyone especially your dad, so if you care for him, forgive him, be apart of his life as much as tolerable. If i...


Finding a coach is easy - there are many of them out there. Finding the right coach is the challenge. There are several factors to consider: Working with a coach that has similar experience in their background is not absolutely necessary, but can be very valuable. Having someone that can trul...


The Systems Mindset would work for your personal life. Consider the following quotes from Sam Carpenter's book "Work the System" : "Unhappy people are not in control of their lives because they spend their days coping with the unintentional bad results of unmanaged systems. Happy people are in...


We human beings like to be different, create our own USP, want to be our self best and unique but we forget that we are actually the opposite! We are a lot similar than different from each other. In my counselling and coaching services I encourage my caller to open up, share their problems which ...


Hello there, amazing person! My name's Christian Nilsson and I come from a professional consulting firm. We work a lot with strategy, especially topics and tasks like this. Trust me, if you want to grow your Amazon business, it's us you want to reach out to! Give me a call and we'll go over ever...


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