
Results for: Business Strategy

Traditionally agencies and consulting firms grow vertically through a pyramid structure adding junior layers and mid level professionals who can be paid at a lower level and then billed back at higher rates to the clients as they scale once the rainmaker fills the pipeline. Another option is to...


To play devil's advocate here, does the second company need to survive? Meaning mainly: is there a large enough potential for long-term gain to keep pushing on it? As entrepreneurs, it can be tempting to put a lot of irons in the fire in hopes one of them really takes off. It's understandable — ...


The short answer to this is to do something for your potential client first. This way you will position yourself as someone who is not just a taker. You need to build a relationship with your partners, sending gifts always works followed by a call There are some very specific strategies you ca...


It's great that you have a ton of experience in sales and business growth, and this will likely boost your credibility in many ways. However, startups are often looking to hire folks who can be extremely agile and switch to a new strategy as soon as they learn that the current one isn't working. ...


Your question is too generic and carries no details about what kind of business you are looking or and what niche you want to target but if you would like to sell the business when it matures (or nearly matures), better go for a single product business as it will have less complications and an ea...


Hi there, In my 8+ years in the tech world, I have seen lunchtime or break time information sessions employed frequently for training purposes. In mostly virtual environments, this strategy still works as long as lunch is provided. This can be done through Doordash, Ubereats, etc. Happy to jum...


Hi, My name is Erik Hanley and I'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more that 15 years of experience. If you need help to set up a call center/PBX phone app, you need to evaluate your needs and budget and then look for the telecom providers. Using VOIP providers Vs traditi...


Mistakes are good for those who learn from them but there is no logical explanation why you would choose to go through a long expensive and time consuming learning path filled with mistakes and 'lessons' when you can just learn as you go from an experienced individual who can help you reduce that...


If you sell the whole business, then the email list or 'prospect list' naturally comes with this purchase. The challenge in selling just the list is that you actually sell the list such that you're not really just selling a copy. For example, if you sell a copy, then you may fall afoul of spam ...


Social media, at times, could get tricky to understand. That's where you need an expert advisor to help you leverage social media, making most out of time and capital investment. Even tagged as social, no two social media platforms are same and likewise varies their usage for specific business ob...


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