
Results for: Business Strategy

Depends on a large number of factors. Here are a couple - 1. If you own and operate them, do you have the capital to grow as fast as you would like? 2. Do you need to franchise, or will a standard license or dealer arrangement suffice? 3. How much control do you need to exercise over the operatio...


You don't create a business plan in the traditional sense of a business plan. It's a totally inefficient and outdated way to think about how to start, run and grow an app-based business. The best way to pitch investors is with the app itself. That is to say, unless you and your team have relev...


I don't need 3. The first and only thing that you should do is a Proof of Concept (POC) / market validation. Only if it shows positive results, should you move on to the next stages (MVP, funding, founder's etc - depending what you already have/don't have). You can read how to do the validation...


Stop trying to "convince" people. You know, there is power in the testimony. A lot of startup companies use friends and family to test out the product and service and to help spread the word. If there is any way to offer a trial of your service, you might give that a go as well. Work to build...


I'm glad you described your market a bit. I have not seen a retainer model work in this space, but that's not saying you can't succeed with it. YOU are the expert, so I would not leave it to clients to choose what they want. If you do, you'll get clients who say, "Yeah, I hired them to make me ...


The application you're describing is probably useful, and can probably be sold... but that's not the question :) The question is what it will cost you to acquire a new customer, and what you can charge that customer. Before actually BUILDING this thing, see if you can get 10 potential customers...


Was this covered in the letter of intent? If this is the first draft, it should be able to be negotiated, but realize that the valuation should change, based on a reduction of assets included in the sale. Be prepared to extend the negotiation period by possibly quite a bit of time, or a rejecti...


I would create the best geo-targeted group blog for a specific large metro. (And then roll them out across the country or even around the world.) What most businesses need is a way to reach their local target audience. When you create the very best local site that can be grown organically offline...


Probably not the answer you're looking for, but companies have so many unimplemented ideas that the likelihood of partnering to implement someone else's idea is really low. And besides which, the idea is not something that has much value in and of itself. If you're passionate in the idea, bui...


The first question you need to answer is who is your audience? Who are you trying to reach with your advertising? If for example, you were promoting a local restaurant, Facebook may be a good choice. If you are trying to reach business owners, LinkedIn may be a good choice (its more expensive tho...


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