
Results for: Business Strategy

Hi, giving farmers ownership, such as shares, in your business would only invite confusion as the level of business awareness is likely to vary among all the different parties. Instead, create a relationship whereby the farmers have a direct benefit tied to their sales to you such that they will...


I'm going to give you a personal experience. I wanted some business experts to join a panel of judges and this was my "execution plan": Research universities and non-profits where this executives or business people give their time. Why? Most successful people that can teach (both are dif...


I would do another test run to confirm that it wasn't a one-time lucky streak that you hit. These numbers are definitely relevant to investors as they want to know the conversion rates. You should calculate your Customer Acquisition costs as this number will be important to investors. However, lo...


Although I understand Portuguese, I won't attempt to write it. Here is my answer in English: So you have an Arch. & Engineering firm that just opened. First you need the basics: 1. Business Cards (my team can do design for you) 2. Nice booklets (magazine style) presentations, also called “sa...


Tying your compensation to your performance can not only increase your revenue stream, but also your chances of closing new deals. Instead of replacing your pricing model, you can keep your current monthly rate, but add one or more of the pricing models discussed below. This should not endanger ...


While I appreciate prior documents or assets being shared, it's best to review the ToS and verify if there is an NDA included in it. With marketplaces, such as Upwork, there are NDAs that are implicit when contracting. Not sure if it's on here.


Make a list of all the con's of making a decision. For each con, answer: 1) What's the worst thing this could mean to me? 2) If this did happen, how could I fix it? If you do this, you quickly realize that the "potential" downside is actually not that bad, and if you're successful - the upside...


It's never too early to bring in experienced people. At an early stage company you're operating with limited resources and you can't afford to waste time making other people's mistakes again. Bring in experienced people as soon as possible. If you think you can't afford them, try to find peopl...


The real question should be what type of life do you want to live? Each individual you mentioned will have different expectations for paying for a service. That will reflect on the type of life you personally want to live. So first, start thinking about your life and how you want to live, what ty...


First, this is such a cool thing you're doing for the sake of serving humanity and the greater good. Don't give up on the media outlets, though, you may be able to come up with a newsworthy angle as your own "Brand Story" develops. Stories are everywhere. I'm assuming you have social media acco...


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