
Results for: Business Strategy

I am in Singapore, help many e-commerce businesses grow sales 5x to 15x last year. One major challenge to the growth is cash flow. There are many factors to look at and these 3 major areas are critical: 1. Cash flows - you need to study the cash flows patterns (short-term, middle-term, and lo...


You have a lot of options to market to boomers and seniors. That age group is facebook's fastest growing segment. Build ads that target that age group and think about having a facebook page to supplement your efforts there. Older people search just like the rest of us as well, so build an adwor...


Is there any sort of auditing or quality control for subtitle files added to your database? If you are able to review, edit, and 'certify' some premium subtitle files that might be a reason to go premium. You could offer one free premium subtitle download pack for every free user. What do you h...


Hi there 1) Define your story I'm not sure who your audience is, but getting users to write reviews means that they need to resonate with your story. In order to do that, you need to convey what you've built, why it's important, why it's likely to work, etc. In other words, you across all your ...


From my experience it is best to assemble a sales team and make them do some cold calling. I believe that speaking to start-ups personally will gain you more companies to post jobs on your platform. I would also advise you to go on LinkdIn and look around the job listings there to see which com...


Too little information to answer. Ask yourself these questions: * What can they get in your community they can't get anywhere else? * Is your community going to see a value *more* than what the people in the community provide, i.e., are there tools, processes, vetting, moderating work that you d...


Their phone system works really and simply delivers what is expected. I think having an availability time calendar would be very beneficial so that scheduling matches our availability. Being able to record calls and charge clients an additional fee for that would be great. Also, screen sharing...


Essentially you want to create a tech blog with more embedded purchasing options. Tech blogs work, so if done right there's no reason this idea would not work.


Hello, The first step is to get the idea validated and opportunity assessed. It is important for an entrepreneur to invest time and energy in idea which has potential of getting transformed into sustainable business. I'd be happy to assist you move forward in your journey. Drop a message/schedul...


Unfortunately implicit bias is a reality which exists with regards to race, and lots of other things including height, voice, weight, sex, etc. While society is slowly learning and trying to suppress those biases, they will always exist to some extent, because they're derived from some of the fun...


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