
Results for: Business Strategy

The business model should (in most cases) adapt to your product. No the other way around. I wrote two examples of how companies should adapt their monetization strategy to what their customers actually want the product to do, and not the other way around. You can read them here: https://medium.c...


Hi There, I'd be happy to help walk through the growth process with you directly, but I should be clear that there isn't a "one-size-fits-all-solution". You can't simply "growth hack" anything. But you can quickly find strategies to reach customers, and if you have a product that people want y...


I would run a test with Search Ads in Google Adwords, Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads to see which one perform the best. That would be my short term! Then, Content Marketing (Blog), Social Media, Email Marketing and some Display Advertizing. I've worked with 2 companies like yours and these channel...


First of all, it's a 'prospect meeting', not a 'client meeting', if you haven't closed them yet. Any system is better than no system. "Flying by the seat of the pants" is a recipe for disaster. Have a qualifying system. Do they need or want what you offer? Do they have a problem big enough to w...


If you can win a customer on price, you can lose a customer on price. But its not price, that customers are sensitive to...its value. To answer your question, its important to be in a similar pricing range to your competition if you want to play the pricing game and commoditize your product. But ...


Short Answer: Build a deep network. This is why network science is my primary focus and the top companies today Google, Amazon, Facebook, Linkedin are heavily leverage networks. There is no "contact here for partnerships" form for large diversified organizations. Unless it is a very specific pr...


If you're talking in terms of service-based work (freelancing, consulting, etc.), then ALL of sales should be based around the value you're creating for the client. If I build a new marketing funnel for a client and they see an extra 100 leads per month — assuming their standard conversion rate...


As someone who started out as a social media manager, moved up into higher-level content marketing strategy, AND hired SM help in the past... I have PLENTY of experience in this arena. 1. Bravo for understanding the importance of strategy before creation & distribution. So many business owners w...


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