
Results for: Business Strategy

Er... You don't require investors, you require customers. I know many people running this type of business. Startup cost is $0. Well, whatever your site hosting costs every month. Best starting point is just to research other Medical + Dental Tourism companies. Clone what they do. Pay your ...


As a FIFA Intermediary myself, B/R is all over social media. Instagram, Twitter, Snap, you can log in with your Facebook account. So it's fair to argue to have an expansive platform. They like platforms in the same ilk like S/B Nation, have grown from the fringes of sports reporting through using...


Honestly? Me. Admittedly, my focus is very narrow -- brand names and domains. But I see an appalling number of good startups begin by blundering in that narrow little area I know. Just as many get it right; yet even the fortunately named sometimes just luck out, without really thinking things...


I would go for the direct client contact-approach for several reasons: - It sounds like you are still searching for exact client requirements. You will get those from talking to the clients directly. - You are not sure, whether your clients are enough tech-savvy that redd-it makes sense. This p...


If retention and monetization rates are healthy, and you want to focus on acquisition, I would go with the following: - Niche or vertical focused landing pages on your website, to build and grow a list of emails/phone numbers for your sales team. - An Adwords search campaign targeted at your co...


I imagine that most recommendations for physical therapist comes from a Dr. I had an injury on my shoulder and he gave me a suggested PT to go to for help. That would be one place to go offline to see how you get to be a qualified supplier to an orthopedists. One creative approach to this might b...


At the agency I started, we tackled this by working toward higher visibility in the industry. For example, when I was growing the agency years ago, I wrote articles for sites like Smashing Magazine, Nettuts, CSS-Tricks, and so on — this granted authority and presence to my agency. Then, my team ...


If you have an already established business then the strategy would be different and if you are going to launch the same kind of business in India then the steps would be different. Keeping your words in consideration that you want to grow it, it means you already have such business with you, no...


Read the book What Would Google Do?! Their business models peaked at the right times and their brand is sticky because the technologies work. They make the complicated world of information on internet simple to navigate. Like the Apple products, it is a tool that anyone can use and feel good...


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