
Results for: Business Strategy

Selling to enterprise customers is about demonstrating value while reducing risk. You will need to show irrefutable proof that your solution will address a pain - ideally, one that is both urgent and important (Eisenhower matrix/Covey). The best way is to point to tangible examples of where you h...


Having worked a consultant with global consulting firms and served over fifty of the Fortune 500 companies, I have been a consultant for over 15 years. Although the type of work will vary, consultants need to know why they are being hired. What does your client expect from you? If consultants ar...


When it comes to unique strategies, you should think way outside the box and not be afraid of "risk." Working with other local small businesses can help with cross-promotion, but sometimes that's not enough. Here are some examples I just thought of off the top of my head: 1) Get in touch with ...


Well, lets work backwards: Structure is pretty simple: 4 year vest, 1 year cliff, for a percentage of the company that will match their commitment and unique contribution to the success of the venture. Running it by them is pretty simple: Tell everyone you can about the problem, the assumption...


I gathered some of the information from the Internet in this answer for you. References in the end. First you need to get exact answers to following question which require some thorough research: 1. Why does your audience need your services? 2. What propels your audience to seek your services? ...


Wxatthewmaps is an interface that offers thinking automation. So, I believe before you are choosing a business-model you must understand what it is that you want to target. Often people confuse between value-retention and customer-retention. These two are closely related. When you enter the word ...


Er... You don't require investors, you require customers. I know many people running this type of business. Startup cost is $0. Well, whatever your site hosting costs every month. Best starting point is just to research other Medical + Dental Tourism companies. Clone what they do. Pay your ...


As a FIFA Intermediary myself, B/R is all over social media. Instagram, Twitter, Snap, you can log in with your Facebook account. So it's fair to argue to have an expansive platform. They like platforms in the same ilk like S/B Nation, have grown from the fringes of sports reporting through using...


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