
Results for: Business Strategy

Two sided marketplaces are a very common type of MVP to build. Using no code (shopify, wordpress, bubble) can get you some traction and gets you some amount of painted doors (someone knocks on the door, but it's not real, at least you know how many people knocked). This can work for a month or ...


These might be useful: And for selling websites: best of luck


There are a number of best practices -- and, generally, they are universal regardless of your product or service. The one that I would stress above all others is: Understand Your Customer. That is, resist the temptation to "jump in and build something", take some time to interview prospective c...


Hi, you are going through a lot of problems with the name. I can give you the most important things to know about the copyright. Please read the copyright act of your country. There have so much information about copyright and how can you avoid copyright act easyly. If you already know that the ...


Typically these types of partnerships have detailed contracts that lay our which party is responsible for paying out any kind of competition winnings. There could be all kinds of goods/services trading places between the companies so it isn't as clear as "Company B always pays". You would need to...


Hello, If you're looking for people like me (who have the change to have a Wikipedia page), you should target them with LinkedIn ads. I believe LinkedIn will get you better results than Facebook or Twitter.


Niche down. You are waaaay to broad in your target market right now. And please provide more information in your question: a single sentence is not enough to get a complete answer from an expert. > WHO are you planning to serve? > WHAT problem situation(s) are they in now that demand(s) your h...


Back when I started LinkedIn wasn't as huge as it is now. I wish it was. I didn't have a large network and those networking sessions NEVER brought me any clients. I used to go to all sorts of them hoping to get clients. There were a couple of nibbles here and there, but never anything serious. Th...


Hello! Aside from the typical website platforms, I would recommend using Twitter's hashtags and user handles. Try following and using the ones that your potential prospect or otherwise ideal partners would be following and start sharing about your work, your progress, and outreach for a potential...


Laws regarding import/export in targeted country Where you will incorporate (is a new entity needed or can the business continue to run under the current entity). Taxation issues (if any, for instance VAT). There is not enough detail provided to answer further, this is just a starting point a...


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