
Results for: Business Development

You can base your business in mostly referrals, however, if you want to grow substantially, you should use some paid advertising to boost your revenue. It all really depends on how much you want to grow and how fast. If you are alone as an architect without staff, then referrals are a good place ...


There are couple of ways i suggest it based on 15+ years I have in building offshore teams in Asia 1) India is becoming for start-up Hub now. If you want to start small, you can start searching for these companies by technology expertise you can looking for like Data Science, ML etc. You will st...


I've done this in the past. I find the best way is to do it in person. I made a habit of walking on my downtown street between lunch and asking the local business owners about their challenges of their business. I don't know if there's a number...I think idea extraction should become a part of yo...


Hi there. I work with people around the world to help them buy and sell businesses. I've been involved in the re-sale of dozens of franchises. I would recommend you read my 2015 book Franchise Warnings. It contains a section on business valuation where I compare an independent business vs. ...


It may just be how I'm interpreting your statements and question, but I'm sensing two different approaches are on your mind. Getting clarity around your end goal will help you attain that goal. You indicate you are a consultant with a methodology that works. At the same time, you indicate that...


Having been working with and advising companies on how to get great customer feedback for many years, I have a couple of ideas you could try. One of the key assets you have is your customer list. You already have permission to approach them, I assume, so reach out to some to start a dialogue. If...


This is a difficult question to answer without a lot more info, but I'll share some high-level strategy. 1) Develop your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) in your new markets. Until you do this, you're just "doing stuff" without clear direction. 2) Identify the likely decision-makers in your market....


Well there are tons of courses online everwhere, point is how would you know which one works best, i suggest you do online coaching program, i give 1:1 to millennials who need to start their business, my quali in accounting and exp in business helps them get clarity on step by step guidance on ho...


Well, if you're in a proven industry and have a track record of sales, it's quite simple... make the commission generous. I once worked as an advertising sales rep and while I wasn't 100% commission (my base salary was only $18,000, while I earned over $130,000/yr.) it was close enough that I th...


ISO 45001 creates an organisation built around best practice. This is then mirrored across the company and sets a standard for managing risks. Having a strong, consistent standard means that the organisation is more efficient across the board.It provides a practical solution to improve the safet...


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