
Results for: Business Development

1. Build a great team. In construction, your people are your business. Hire dependable, knowledgeable and skilled employees. Retain your best employees by promoting and rewarding them for their hard work and reliability. 2. Manage your business, but lead your people. Your employees want to be le...


In theory they could own the business as long as the profit of that business were used to further the non-profit work of the school. The bigger question would be whether the school actually owns the business or whether you as a separate non-profit were operating within the facilities of the sc...


I will suggest you B2C company. These companies are best suitable for online business. Apart from the multiple advantages it provides two major benefits that you will get from establishing this type of company. First is digitalization of business and second is usage of a global network. Now by di...


Coming from the fashion industry and being connected with so many photographers I know that can be tough! There's no reason you can't make this work. I'd love to hear more about your market and would refer you to Lauren Devon (photography consultant) on monetizing your photography niche. One of m...


Hello, Congrats on creating your own agency. Software developers and clients often speak 2 different languages and your job is to communicate between then effectively. For your questions 1. This can happen, the agency is the project manager. Manages requirements, user needs, spec document, ...


Hourly rate is the worst way to charge for your expertise. That's an employee mentality. Charge per project and charge for outcome. People don't care what the hourly rate, they want to know if I pay you X, you're going to deliver the Y results I am looking for.


I have created my share of pricing for outsourced activity. Knowing what my competition is charging both on the high end and low end helped me understand the landscape but I created my pricing based on my own value proposition for each specific partner. First I needed to understand where they w...


For this location is very important as you say, firstly conducting some market research and trying to find out where people want a bar is a good idea. Obviously there’s factors such as budget, what options are available and what area you are in etc so there’s only so much i can help. But somewher...


You are facing a classic chicken and egg problem. You want premium projects but cannot get them because you haven't done any yet. To solve this, you need to think from your target customers standpoint. Why would a customer buy from you? What do you offer that others don't have? Once you define th...


So here are two strategies: Follow the money You need to go where the money is spent on developing/design. I would approach startups at WeWork and also get in contact with the MBA programs of the universities in NY. Instead of giving a better price (finders fee) to actual projects build the rela...


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