
Results for: Business Coaching

Exciting times. When I read between the lines having faced a similar decision on more than one occasion, I see all the missed opportunities from having been too busy personally to be as effective as needed. The good news, there is but one weakest link in any system and that includes your business...


Consider looking at how a pizza delivery service works. If they order the product online some automatically charge a service fee to initiate the service. You could charge a fee based on mileage from the store or a flat fee/percentage. Make it tip based as well for the driver. Of course you ha...


There are three questions here: - the strike price of the options - the market value of the company - how much those options are actually worth to the recipient 1. The strike price is the price people pay to exchange their options for shares. You can set any strike price you like: it's just a n...


In my experience there are two things that hold an entrepreneur back from taking action... But before you read them please understand that EVERYONE experiences these things in their life at one time or another. So this is NOT a judgment call but simply an observation. Realize that if you react...


It’s an interesting concept and the next step is to qualify it further with some market research. Where will you find your potential customers for services? My initial assumption would be in a relatively dense urban setting where people want to commute to work or school by biking, or otherwise ...


Options to make it profitable a very large number, I would advise the target in Facebook to choose a placement 'news feed' or contextual reulama, if in Usa then a credit limit of $ 500 is also not bypassed by the rayot over the site, the adaptive does not rayot well with my version and in general...


Online coaching is a great space right now, and I'm glad to see someone with real-world coaching experience making the shift. The agency I started worked primarily in the fitness industry, and I helped plan, market, design, and build over 300 websites for personal trainers, gyms, and online coa...


We've done something similar, but by delivering pizzas. You can get them talking about you before you come in if you have it delivered, wrapped in gift paper, with a mysterious, clever, anonymous note complementing their pipes. Then drop in and ask if they liked the poster. It will probably go...


I've been in your shoes. Here's how Clarity has helped me: 1. I meet new people on Clarity who call me, sometimes more than once, then migrate over to my other programs or buy online courses or products. 2. I promote my Clarity page to my existing tribe. What I find is that some people like to ...


Excellent question (and excellent answers here too). I'm 18 months into my start-up. That's 18 months of learning what is essential to survival and what is a waste of energy and space. Here is what is helping me most: 1. Communication essentials: Business cards (, laptop, phone, and Int...


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