
Results for: Business Coaching

Hi, this is Ann, a business coach for small entrepreneurs. Your situation is no longer related to "small business". Instead, you are in the phase of "extension". Hence, I would recommend you contact some outstanding performance coaches. Again, OUTSTANDING performance coaches! If you expect to be...


Hi, Legitimate question. Business wise, it would not make sense to train someone who you know - in advance - is going to be a competitor. That said, there are so many competitors in the industry that you are talking about, so this makes what your partner is doing a little less strange. The ide...


If you don't currently have an LLC for the business performing IT services, you could create a DBA (Doing Business As) and offer those IT services under the first business you mentioned. One business can have many DBA's which is good for promoting services as if it is it's own business. By using ...


Wxatthewmaps is an interface that offers thinking automation. So, I believe before you are choosing a business-model you must understand what it is that you want to target. Often people confuse between value-retention and customer-retention. These two are closely related. When you enter the word ...


The Pomodoro method has changed my life! Whenever I'm writing or working out a creative problem, it really helps me focus on just one thing at a time. It's a simple timer that breaks down your day into 25-minute chunks (with 5-minute breaks). I use the Tomato One app on Mac OS, but there are coun...


I am not convinced you need an investor for what you are doing. Why give up part of your company and someone else having a say in your dream. I would start with some simple videos at Udemy, going through that you will learn a lot and move up from there. You may also consider a local intern ...


I've set up a number of online courses, and also supported other business owners in their online course creation and hosting. This is a huge topic with a number of variables. You may decide to host your course on your own Wordpress platform, in which case you'll need: - a website (if you don't a...


Of course calls for information interviews are not illegal. Information interviews are an important part of a successful person's job hunt or any target market research. You will find far more people will be open to this than you think now. Some just want to be helpful. Others want to show off h...


Typically people are going to want to see an example of your work. A success story. It sounds like you are still entertaining the idea though and most likely don't have a real-world example to showcase. If this is the case, I would suggest trying to start with a close friend or family member...


There are a few options. If you've done the basics through Codecademy, then you're ready to move on to the specifics of a platform (such as PostgreSQL as you've mentioned). Though this can equally be a minefield. The reporting engines/formats differ from platform to platform. As does SQL believe...


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