
Hi all. I am the owner of a maintenance company in Ireland supplying 100 maintenance services all one one number. The website is We operate in Ireland and have been in business for 5 years. It is time to stop plodding along. We want to blow the company out of the water and become a national brand. Do we invest in a sales team, google ads, direct mail, facebook ads or is there is some low hanging apples that we don't see. If I get some leads I would be more than happy to pay for a professionals time on the phone. I am hoping there is a construction or another professional out there who has some of the answers to the questions we have as a company.

Having looked at your website, I'd suggest that an overhaul of your site is likely required prior to spending too much on new initiatives. I find the overall messaging of the site confusing and somewhat inconsistent with the description you've provided in your question detail.

I'd be happy to share my feedback in more detail with you and if you find that you agree with that feedback, provide you some simple actionable steps you can take to put yourself in good position to grow your company and take it to the next level.

Answered 11 years ago

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