
After 7 years left my old employer, they are hiring. Should I go back to my old job? but some to consider... 1, my energy level decline, I am not young anymore. 2, if they don't like me, they say 'shame on you'. 3, re-union will never be the same. Should I re-apply for that position? Your thought?

I have many years of experience in Workforce Development. There have been many opportunities where employees return to previous employers. There are various points of leverage and there are challenges to consider as well.

Your concerns about this potential career move. It's completely natural to feel uncertain and cautious about such a decision. It's a complex one, that involves a careful assessment of your personal and professional needs, and I commend your foresight in considering these aspects.

Firstly, regarding your energy level, it's important to acknowledge that with age comes wisdom, experience, and nuanced understanding, all of which are invaluable assets in any role. A dip in energy does not necessarily equate to a decrease in effectiveness or productivity. If anything, your wealth of knowledge can often lead to more efficient ways of working. Perhaps you could consider focusing on how to optimize your energy rather than how much energy you have.

Secondly, the concern about how your return might be perceived is valid. But remember, you left your previous employer for your own personal reasons and returning now doesn't indicate failure or shame. It showcases your adaptability and willingness to seize an opportunity when it arises. We cannot control the narratives others choose, but we can certainly control ours, and I encourage you to perceive this as a move of strength and opportunity, regardless of what others may say.

Lastly, you're correct that reunions can be tricky and they're often not the same. It's likely that the organization has undergone changes during your absence, and you might need to adapt to a somewhat new environment. It's also important to remember that nostalgia shouldn't be the driving factor in your decision; you should focus on the present and future prospects the role offers.

The bottom line is that every career move should align with your personal and professional growth objectives. Would returning to this role enhance your career trajectory? Would it fulfill your needs and aspirations in this phase of your life? Do you believe you can contribute positively and substantially to your former employer?

This is a personal decision that only you can make, but I am here to help guide you through this process. It would be beneficial to dive into these aspects more deeply on a call, as there might be other factors at play that you haven't yet considered. I would be more than happy to schedule a consultation call where we can delve into this in greater detail and hopefully provide you with the clarity you need. Remember, this isn't just about making a choice, but about making a choice that is right for you. Shall we book a call to discuss further?

Answered a year ago

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