
We've successfully bootstrapped a technology focused subscription / SaaS site to have 10,000+ paying members. We did it without any marketing specialist but not having one obviously hinders our growth potential. We want to hire a full time online marketing lead / expert but have no idea where to start. Are there specialist job boards or better places to look?

The first place to start is to get out there and meet people especially at local business association group meetings. Any place where people are networking is a great way to find someone for the team. Use the resources you already have like checking your college or university alumni association. Of course you could put out an ad on one of the online job boards, but your best opportunity will be to find someone who knows someone so that you can get a strong recommendation. There's always the obvious resources such as LinkedIn, but you'd be better off networking with people that you know to find the exact person that you need.

Answered 10 years ago

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