Jason DulayHelping companies scale and grow with systems

Most companies I’ve worked with are unable to grow due to one or more of the following problems:

- one team member (usually the owner) is the designated ‘expert’ and takes almost all the operations work, making it difficult to hire & scale
- the quality of work is not always consistent
- different teams use their own tools and spreadsheets and aren't always on the same page
- there is no way unified way to track (small) tasks, so things fall through the cracks
- staff members personalities differ which causes frequent miscommunications.

As a Systems Designer, it's my job to solve these problems. I do this in three phases:

1. Auditing the existing processes, tools, and team roles
2. Creating an action plan that lays out where the company is and the changes needed to get where they want to be.
3. Implementing the plan and getting continuous feedback from the team members.

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