Maggie MolineSCIO quantum biofeedback practitioner

I am a healer for over 15 years & specialize doing unique quantum biofeedback sessions in 'subspace' long distance with the SCIO device, to help you with mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical issues. If you never received a Scio session you should try it & contact me, it is amazing work. To be most effective, I may ask for your name, date of birth, and place of birth, where the technology I use calls for it - However, if you do not wish to give me this information, for whatever reason, it is ok I can still do this work for you. Fyi, any information you may give me is completely confidential and will not be given to anyone. The SCIO technology I work with can also help to amplify prayers. You may wish to think about your goals and things you would like to manifest and work on before contacting me, because I can then be most effective helping you by putting it straight into my device and work on programs accordingly to support manifesting the energy, as it also can work like a Tibetan prayer wheel. Further, I can give you a basic report of what comes up from your unconscious choices, and work to balance your energy in this way from things that come up - or you can tell me specific things you would like to work on, physical, emotional, stress. Whatever it is, try me, I am very good & can help most things. Further, I can also do mini-readings where I can also answer yes/no questions with a pendulum. See for more information about me, the Scio Device, and these sessions. More about me, (as Clarity here seems to have a business focus), FYI I have a business degree with a diverse background of experience where I am also rather legal savy, so I may be able to offer other insights to help as well, depending on your issue - I am here to serve you however I can best help. : )

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