Yaniv ChetritPayment expert, Fintech advisor and Cybersecurity

I am a Payment expert, Fintech advisor, and solution architect mainly in Cards, Issuing, and Acquiring and mobile payments.
Over 19 years in the financial services and the Fintech arena. I am providing assistance to clients seeking to launch or leverage mobile payments, issuing, money remittance, and mobile money services globally, offering independent advisory services in a number of functional areas including technology, market strategy, opportunity assessment, strategic business planning, product development, vendor analysis, market roll-out execution, and implementation, research, M&A and networking.

I am very experienced in mobile wallets industry and the integration of onsite stores: Merchants, Acquirers, Payment Gateways, Processors, Associations, and Issuers from one hand, and Credit Card, Debit Card, Gift/Prepaid Card, Mobile, Chip & Pin, EMV, Contactless, NFC, Smart Cards, PCI on the other. I was involved in designing some of the largest mobile wallet ventures around the world: WEVE, ISIS, Turkcell, China Mobile, Cellcom and Singtel, and was responsible for designing the solution of the payment and media segments. Let me know how can I assist you or if you have any questions.

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