Twenty TwentyOwner at Eagle Vision Media - The Wingert Group

Call Mr Twenty Twenty for straight up - simple - down to earth coaching.

He is cutting edge effective in helping you get what you want by creating the states and the strategies you need. Remember, the change you want in your outer world must be led by a change in your inner world - if you want it to last.

This is what he is known worldwide for. This is why he has succeed full time in this field for over 20 years, and why his clients use his services again and again. (Read his verified feedback.)

Obviously, at the end of the day, your success and happiness depend on your states and strategies being finely tuned and expertly focused. This is what puts money in your pocket.

NLP expert and author, Mr Twenty Twenty can help you. His background is both professional and adventurous. He has master black belt rankings in Kempo Karate, teacher of Naturopathy, with decades of experience in productivity, profit and the pursuit of happiness.

In his spare time he scuba dives, and he practices and teaches NLP, chi kung, tai ji and kung fu and is now working on his private pilot license.

He has trained also with Native American Healers, Storytellers and Survival Experts, and has lived primitively in the woods for extended periods of time - honing his awareness, and his skills.

His clients find his diverse background, keen awareness, business expertise and sense of humor life changing, entertaining, and profoundly insightful.

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